Fighter Jet Crashes

"Information will be forthcoming," said a spokesperson for the Armed Services. "Normally, I would refer all inquiries to the Ministry of Defense - but as there is no Minister of Defense - once we have more knowledge of the situation we will release it to the press."
In October, General Harold Huzah requested the allocation of 4 billion morovs. Commenting on the military's state of readiness, he said, "We have reached the tipping point. Without a commitment to increase funding, the Armed Services will be unable to sustain its current operational capacity."
The issue of military funding has cropped up in the election campaign. All three political parties have said they would not honor the Armed Services' request in full, but pledged to meet with the top brass and approve a compromise budget. Inside observers agree that, having not yet been elected to the Royal Assembly, the candidates could not have prevented the crash. However, the accident places in the issue of military funding squarely in the center of debate as the campaign enters its final days.
The ratification of the People's Constitution in 1999 expressly forbid the Kingdom of Morovia from engaging in micronational war. In the years since, the Armed Services have been charged with the protection of Morovia's digital assets, but with the exception of the infamous TYSOG plot, have fulfilled a largely ceremonial role within the community.