Tuesday 23 October 2007

Jacobus Declares for Royal Assembly

BRIESK - Within days of his naturalization, micronational adventurer Jacobus B.S. Kahunamea has announced his intention to seek a seat in the November 9 - 11 Royal Assembly elections. Jacobus will run as a candidate of the Democratic Centre, the brain child of fellow newcomer Glenn McCarter. Although the party has yet to release a manifesto, its members believe in a centrist approach to public policy.

In a nod to conventional wisdom about the Democratic Centre's electoral viability, Jacobus said, "It is hard for me to walk past an underdog and leave it unassisted."

He went on, "I have spanned the political spectrum in my micronational career, and the Centre is where much good can be done. We need not be bound by ideological dogma, and we will as such be able to employ the policies that make the most sense."


Jacobus has had a colorful micronational career. In 2002, he unlawfully declared himself "Interim Regent" of Morovia and was unanimously opposed by the community's citizens. He is also engaged in a long running dispute with the Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia (VCC), and is the driving force behind the Federal Republic of Cyberia (FRC), which many Morovians deem an illegitimate pretender to the VCC.

Through the years, Peter Hickey and Jacobus have had a strained relationship. Hickey is a former citizen of the VCC and one of the chief actors in the long running drama between the two Cyberias. Some observers wonder whether Hickey might relish the chance to compete against his old rival, but he has thus far resisted pleas from fellow Progressives to leave retirement and accept their nomination for Royal Assembly.

In the meanwhile, McCarter's new Democratic Centre just received a very much needed shot in the arm. Jacobus put it best when he said,
"Add me to your ticket. At least that should stir some attention."

The Democratic Centre is seeking a third candidate to complete their ticket for Royal Assembly.