Jacobus Arrives in Morovia

In a brief statement to the press, Jacobus said, "I buried the hatchet a while ago, but there are others hereabouts who might prefer my head to be on a (metaphorical) pike. I offer all an open hand of fellowship."
Jacobus is a controversial figure in Morovia and beyond. In 2002, despite never having been a citizen, he declared himself Interim Regent, a claim flatly rejected by Morovians as illegitimate. When the King intervened, Jacobus surrendered all claims to authority, however, there are lingering suspicions that his ambitions were far greater than his stated purpose of preserving the monarchy.
In addition to his provocative role in Morovia's history, Jacobus was also a pretender to the "throne" of Cyberia, declaring himself Emperor and later President of the Federal Republic of Cyberia (FRC). Although it appears he has largely reformed his reputation of using paper dolls and other unethical means to accomplish his aims, his opposition to the legitimate Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia has made him something of a pariah in VCC and Morovian circles.
In a recent interview with The Coprieta Standard, the King expressed his appreciation of Jacobus' talents and praised his dedication to micronationalism. However, the King also indicated that he will continue to recognize the VCC as the sole, legitimate Cyberia.