Top Brass: We Need Funding Now

THE OCTAGON - The General Staff of the Morovian Armed Services has gone public with their frustrated demands for increased funding for the military. In a rare press conference, Army General Harold Huzah, Chief of the General Staff, expressed his growing frustration with the Government, revealing that the military's numerous budget requests have been ignored by the House of Law.
"We have reached the tipping point," said General Huzah. "Without a commitment to increase funding, the Armed Services will be unable to sustain its current operational capacity."
Just what is that capacity? The ratification of the People's Constitution in 1999 expressly forbid the Kingdom of Morovia from engaging in micronational war. In the years since, the Armed Services have been charged with the protection of Morovia's digital assets, but with the exception of the infamous TYSOG plot, have fulfilled a largely ceremonial role within the community.
In total, the Armed Services have requested the allocation of 4 billion morovs. No action has been taken on the request, and with the Royal Assembly set to reconvene at the conclusion of the November election, observers expect military funding, and the larger role of the Armed Services, to fill a large portion of the chamber's agenda.