Assembly Considers New Currency, Tax Laws

"We are living at the beginning of what all citizens hope shall be the strongest, the longest era of sustained growth and prosperity in the history of Morovia," said Scot in a lengthy presentation to the Royal Assembly. "Growth and prosperity will not happen accidently but will of necessity involve careful planning and deliberate action. It will involve investment in the development of the infrastructure from the ground up. It will involve a commitment to educate the people of Morovia and to share the knowledge stored in Victoria University with the entire micronational world."
The Minister emphasized two principle goals: the "building of an economic foundation" and the creation of "equality and opportunity for all citizens and visitors in our society." After he concluded his remarks, Peoples Representative Oatney rose to thank him for his efforts.
Speaking of Scot's proposals, Lord Oatney said, "His bills will form the basis of the Government's fiscal strategy in the coming weeks and months. The service he is providing this House and the Government is invaluable."
With the hospitals crisis all but resolved, the Conservative dominated Royal Assembly appears set to move forward with the development of a simulated budget and overall economic simulation. Waiting on the docket for consideration is the four billion morov Armed Services request for funding.