Krembs Attacks "Oatneycare"

Of the proposed legislation, Krembs said, "All it does is seize more money from individuals and throws it down a bureaucratic black hole in the name of 'health.' From from ending the healthcare crisis, it is likely to worsen it, because individuals will now have to pay taxes that could've otherwise went into private insurance or health savings accounts."
The Peoples Representative was quick to respond. Accusing Krembs of being a "complete nincompoop," he said, "I would expect better from you Peter. The micronational world has been known to see a more civil side to you. But please keep it up. As long as you continue in this way, run for the Leadership of the PRP-then it will be assured that there will never be anything but Conservative Government in Morovia. Please, keep it up, be my guest."
The Hospitals Act of 2007 appropriates 1.5 billion morovs, or 5% of the national GDP, toward reopening the country's six regional hospitals. It also calls for the creation of a Royal Commission on Hospitals with oversight authority over Royal Hospital Trust operations.